Writing, Editing, & Research
As a writer and editor, I collaborate with a variety of stakeholders to create tailored content that addresses the needs of the organization and its intended audience. I believe in the transformative power of language to imagine new worlds grounded in equity and empathy and foster understanding within and between communities. My areas of expertise include libraries and library work, higher education, race and white feminism, teaching and pedagogy, and the performing arts.
As a librarian, I collaborate closely with researchers to clarify their priorities and identify key, relevant resources that meet their needs. From conducting historical research for a book project, to compiling literature reviews in support of academic work, to gathering data to support a grant proposal, I can assist writers, scholars, and organizations successfully meet and exceed their goals. My areas of expertise include education, sociology, history, communication and media studies, and the performing arts.
Orbis Cascade Alliance Helmer Award Application: Reed College
Reed College librarians Robin Ford, Joe Marquez, and myself, in partnership from other regional librarians, successfully applied for the 2018-2019 John F. Helmer Award offered by the Orbis Cascade Alliance in order to promote collaboration and learning across member institutions. We were required to submit a project description, learning objectives and outcomes, and a budget and marketing plan. I was integrally involved in writing and editing all aspects of our successful proposal, as well as the report submitted to the Alliance board after our project’s completion.
Topographies of whiteness
Watson, M. (2017, September). White feminism and distributions of power in academic libraries. In G. Schlesselman-Tarango (Ed.), Topographies of whiteness: Mapping whiteness in library and information studies. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press.
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Website: University of Alaska Southeast
I created CELT’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning website to provide resources and support around key aspects of pedagogy and classroom management for faculty at the University of Alaska Southeast. The site also served as a platform to market upcoming events and collect materials from previous workshops.
Critical library Pedagogy
Ellenwood, D., & Watson, M. (2016, September). Starting small: Practicing critical pedagogy through collective conversation. In K. McElroy & N. Pagowsky (Eds.), Critical library pedagogy handbook. Chicago, IL: ACRL Press.
Information Literacy Framework and Learning Outcomes: University of Alaska Southeast
These programmatic information literacy learning outcomes, developed for the University of Alaska Southeast to align with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, were the result of several structured conversations with UAS faculty librarians and teaching faculty as well as research into similar outcome development processes at a variety of institutions.
ACRL WAShington Newsletter
Watson, M. (2015, Fall). Open access initiatives at UW Bothell/Cascadia College Library. ACRL Washington Newsletter, 76, 4.